Saturday, 27 July 2024 14:22

Gloucester-Southgate: Ottawa's Hot Spot for Vehicle Thefts in 2024

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Rising vehicle thefts in Ottawa

Vehicle theft has been a growing concern in Ottawa, with statistics indicating a significant increase in reported cases. Gloucester-Southgate stands out as the hardest-hit ward, recording 95 vehicle thefts so far in 2024. This article delves into the detailed statistics, contributing factors, and preventative measures being taken to combat this surge in crime.

Detailed statistics on vehicle thefts

As of July 2024, Ottawa has reported a total of 929 vehicle thefts, with 77 incidents occurring in the first 21 days of the month alone. This marks a noticeable rise compared to previous years. In the first half of 2023, 504 vehicles were reported stolen, while 387 thefts were recorded between January and June 2022. These numbers illustrate a troubling upward trend in vehicle thefts across the city.

Interestingly, every one of Ottawa’s 24 wards has experienced at least one vehicle theft this year. Gloucester-Southgate leads the list with 95 thefts, followed by Bay ward with 68, Rideau-Vanier with 59, Orléans East-Cumberland with 53, and River ward with 52. Other notable wards include Barrhaven West (50 thefts), Rideau-Rockcliffe (48), and Beacon Hill-Cyrville (47). The data highlights specific hot spots where vehicle thefts are most prevalent, necessitating targeted interventions.

Factors contributing to the rise

Ottawa Police Chief Eric Stubbs has emphasized that while vehicle thefts are on the rise, the police have been successful in making arrests. "We have had a number of operations where we have located stolen vehicles and arrested a number of people," Stubbs said. "And not only those people who are driving the stolen vehicle, but those who are supporting those people and we've managed to locate and arrest them, too."

One of the critical factors contributing to Ottawa’s vehicle theft issue is its proximity to Montreal, a popular destination for stolen cars. This geographic advantage allows thieves to quickly transport stolen vehicles out of Ottawa, making it more attractive for organized crime groups. "It's quicker in and quicker out to that organized crime group that comes into town," Stubbs explained.

Preventative measures and police actions

The Ottawa Police Service has been proactive in addressing the vehicle theft problem. Officers focus on known hot spots and conduct proactive patrols, often resulting in the quick recovery of stolen vehicles. "Our frontline folks are doing a lot of proactive patrols and it's where we've had some success," Stubbs noted. "An owner discovers their vehicle is missing, so they call us. We've been able to respond and get that vehicle back into that driveway within a couple of hours."

Year-to-date, the Ottawa Police Service has achieved a 55 percent recovery rate for reported vehicle thefts, demonstrating the effectiveness of their strategies. However, prevention remains a crucial aspect of combating this issue. The police have issued several tips for vehicle owners to help prevent thefts:

  1. Park inside a garage if available.
  2. Block your vehicle in tightly against a second, less sought-after vehicle.
  3. Install an after-market vehicle immobilizer and alarm.
  4. Use after-market tracking devices or GPS systems to monitor your vehicle.
  5. Hide Air Tags within the vehicle to avoid detection by thieves with Apple phones.
  6. Call the police if you find an Air Tag in your vehicle or receive a tracking alert on your smartphone.
  7. Install an Engine Control Module (ECM) port-lock.
  8. Use motion detection lights and exterior surveillance cameras at home.
  9. Remain vigilant even after a vehicle theft, as thieves may return to steal the replacement vehicle.
  10. Use a steering wheel lock in combination with another anti-theft device.
  11. Engage in neighborhood watch activities and report any suspicious activity to the police immediately.

The surge in vehicle thefts in Ottawa, particularly in Gloucester-Southgate, underscores the importance of vigilance and proactive measures by both the police and vehicle owners. With 95 thefts recorded in Gloucester-Southgate alone, and a total of 929 across the city in 2024, addressing this issue requires a concerted effort. The Ottawa Police Service's strategies have shown promise, but ongoing community engagement and adherence to preventative tips are essential to curb this rising trend.

source: CTV News



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