1) Do your research on where you would like to have your stall, i.e.

What type of markets are they?
Are there any other Miessence reps attending?
What is the cost going to be?
Do you need insurance? (recommended)
Will you be indoors or outdoors?
Keep an eye out on the weather if outdoors.
Where will you be positioned? This can affect the amount of people traffic that comes by.

Thursday, 15 May 2014 16:09

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Thursday, 15 May 2014 10:45

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Pharmacy health profession that links the health sciences with the chemical sciences, and it is charged with ensuring a safe and effective use of pharmaceuticals of drugs. This word comes from the Greek 'pharmakon', which means "drugs" or "medical" history of independent pharmacies as a young science.The origins of pharmaceutical historiography back to the first third of s. XIX of the first historiographies, while not affecting all aspects pharmaceutical history is the starting point to begin the end of this science.

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