Puzzles for toddlers from 18 months
The first puzzles can be offered to children who are at least one and a half years old. For toddlers at this age it is particularly important to develop manual skills. That is why sets suitable for them consist of relatively large elements that are easy to grasp. The most popular are wooden sets which consist in matching elements of appropriate shapes to gaps in the picture. Individual elements are often equipped with handles making the task easier and suitable for small hands. Sets of jigsaw puzzles depicting animals living on a farm, in the forest or on the ocean will certainly be attractive to toddlers.
Sensory puzzles also appear among interesting ideas for kids of this age. Toddlers under 4 years old will certainly appreciate puzzles equipped with elements of material of different texture. Soft fabrics imitating animal fur and rough materials as the surface of the leaves will positively affect the development of the sense of touch.
Puzzles for preschoolers
Children who are at least 4 years old should be offered educational sets facilitating learning numbers and letters. Interesting tasks usually consist in arranging successive alphabet signs or matching numbers to pictures. You can find many modern sets with very attractive designs. Older preschoolers may like jigsaw puzzles enabling them to learn about the structure of human body. An interesting idea will also be sets of unique designs, which show less known animals and plants of different regions of the world.
Puzzles for school children
Pupils in the early grades of elementary school, appropriately selected puzzles will certainly help in learning. Interesting sets for children of this age can present a map of the world or the Solar System. There also appear maps of particular countries with marked more important cities. A good suggestion will be pictures with star constellations. Jigsaw puzzles adjusted to the age and interests of a child will surely turn out to be a perfect gift. While playing, children will find it easier to assimilate knowledge and acquire new skills. See Observation puzzles - BananaPanda.