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Thursday, 30 January 2025 16:57

Protecting birds from cats – solutions for pet owners

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Cats are the most popular pet in Canada. Despite their affectionate nature, they pose a significant threat to wild birds. Studies estimate that free-roaming cats are responsible for 100 million to 350 million bird deaths annually in Canada alone. Filmmaker Gavin Andrews explores this issue in his documentary, highlighting practical solutions for pet owners.

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The impact of outdoor cats on bird populations

Outdoor cats are one of the leading causes of bird population decline. Their natural hunting instincts put them in direct conflict with conservation efforts. Researchers have documented a significant number of bird deaths linked to free-roaming domestic cats.

According to studies, the number of birds killed annually in Canada due to cat predation ranges from 100 million to 350 million. This issue has led to debates among pet owners, conservationists, and municipal authorities regarding responsible cat ownership and wildlife protection.

Conflicting views on free-roaming cats

Canadians hold polarized opinions on whether cats should be allowed to roam freely. A survey conducted by Annie Booth, a professor at the University of Northern British Columbia, revealed strong divisions. Some people sympathize with cats and believe they should have outdoor access, while others argue that their presence outside is harmful to birds and small wildlife.

Several Canadian municipalities have introduced regulations prohibiting cats from wandering freely. Animal welfare organizations and conservation groups support these measures, emphasizing that keeping cats indoors benefits both pets and wildlife.

Cat safety and urban wildlife risks

Allowing cats to roam outdoors presents risks not only for birds but also for the cats themselves. The British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) strongly recommends keeping cats indoors. They face threats such as infectious diseases, vehicle collisions, and attacks from predators.

Urban wildlife ecologist Jaylen Bastos, who led the Vancouver Cat Count, recorded over one million images of free-roaming cats using motion-activated cameras. Their study documented interactions between domestic cats and wild animals, including skunks, raccoons, and coyotes. Bastos transitioned their own cat, Keeta, to an indoor lifestyle after discovering it had been photographed near a coyote. This decision reduced the risk of conflicts with predators while still allowing controlled outdoor access.

Clown collars as a potential solution

For cat owners struggling to keep their pets indoors, alternatives exist. Birdsbesafe collars, which use brightly colored fabric covers, have been proven to reduce bird predation. Studies conducted in Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Australia confirm that these collars significantly lower the number of birds killed by cats.

The collars take advantage of birds’ ability to perceive a broader spectrum of colors than mammals. This visual advantage allows birds to detect cats wearing the collars earlier and escape before an attack. Additionally, the bright colors and reflective trims enhance cat visibility for motorists, reducing road accidents.

Gavin Andrews, who struggled to keep his cat Taika indoors, found the Birdsbesafe collar to be an effective compromise. Since implementing nighttime restrictions and using the collar, Taika has not caught a bird in over a year. This approach provides a practical solution for pet owners who want to minimize their cat’s impact on wildlife while allowing controlled outdoor access.

Addressing the impact of cats on bird populations requires responsible pet ownership. Keeping cats indoors, using protective collars, and implementing controlled outdoor access can significantly reduce risks for both wildlife and pets. These measures help create a safer environment for birds while ensuring the well-being of domestic cats.

source: CBC